Founder’s Update

Keep current with the latest developments at the National Addiction Awareness Complex. Lee will be posting his thoughts every month as the NAAC team embarks on this journey!

Sober Life Events

Upcoming sober lifestyle events at the National Addiction Awareness Complex or other locations are posted here and on our social media platforms.

Contact us if you have an event that you would like to post!

Funding Campaign News

The NAAC has launched its initial fundraising campaign to raise funds to purchase the land for the complex. Keep track of our progress!

Awareness Articles and Blogs

Read some of the great content from our contributing writers! They discuss a range of topics from what is going on at the Awareness Complex to their thoughts on a Sober Lifestyle and everything inbetween!

Take Our Survey

Take Our Survey

Please take our Survey! You can also tweet at us (for those under 30), fill out the contact form on our site (for those under 50), or send a letter to 352 Main Street, Denver, PA (those over 50).

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