Founding Vision: The Birth of the National Addiction Awareness Complex

The eyes dance, and the entire face lights up. Seemingly, his whole being comes alive in the exhilaration of what he’s about to share. Every time I’ve had the pleasure of speaking with Lee P. Clifford, Founder of the National Addiction Awareness Complex (NAAC), I have delighted in his enthusiasm and passion for the emerging manifestation of his dream.

Lee is a visionary.

And it’s a precious thing to behold. Because this, folks, is how dreams are built.

In recovery himself, Lee has experienced and witnessed the devastation of addiction on individuals’ lives and families. With heartfelt reflection, Lee shares pensively on the disease of alcoholism and how embedded it is in our society.

And he’s right. According to the National Center on Substance Abuse and Child Welfare (NCSACW), approximately 8.7 million children live in households where at least one parent has a substance use disorder. This includes families dealing with alcohol, illicit drugs, or prescription drug abuse.

The effects on American families are crippling, which is why Lee has only grown in his drive and determination to build the National Addiction Awareness Complex from the ground up, providing a family refuge and haven from the painful challenges of this world, all within the umbrella of a family-friendly, sober lifestyle atmosphere.

Lee’s dream for NAAC began when, years ago, through his dedicated work in addiction recovery, he was looking at a ledger sheet where 4% of net profits were going to be donated to an organization which specialized in alcohol and addiction issues. The line in the ledger was titled, “Addiction Awareness”–which brought him to a standstill.

His heart was to bring awareness to the plights of addiction, which led him to the idea of a museum focused on these issues. Lee’s vision grew from there, and the National Addiction Awareness Complex was born.

While Lee’s concept has certainly grown through the years–rooting back to December 7th of 2014–his dedication and commitment has remained steadfast.

The National Addiction Awareness Complex envisions a groundbreaking destination dedicated to education, healing, and empowerment in the fight against addiction. Located in a serene, natural setting, the Complex will feature a diverse array of attractions designed to inspire personal growth, healing, recovery and FUN. Plans include a family campground for outdoor enthusiasts seeking solace in nature, a bed and breakfast offering comfort and community, and numerous attractions and activities promoting fellowship, mindfulness, and sobriety. The event area and expo center will serve as a hub for conferences, workshops, and expos that unite experts, families, and individuals passionate about addiction awareness and recovery. The Complex aims to be a beacon of hope and enlightenment, offering a supportive environment for education, connection, family fun and renewal.

Lee’s dream has now become the dream of many–and we are working tirelessly for the NAAC vision to be built from the ground up, and he wishes to extend a personal invitation to join us in our mission to raise awareness, offer support, and inspire hope in the fight against addiction through the planning and construction of our sober lifestyle destination.

Whether you’re a family member, friend, or someone passionate about making a difference, your involvement can help transform lives. Together, we aim to build a community that fosters education, healing, and prevention through engaging events, activities, and resources. Be part of the movement toward recovery and empowerment—your voice, your support, and your presence matter. Whether as a Volunteer, an Ambassador, contributing to a Planning Team, or through the offerings of your professional services, you can help us create a destination which would be the first of its kind, building a brighter future, with new, joyful memories, free from the grip of addiction.

by Diana Hernandez-Vojtesek

Please Support Our Vision

Posted on October 1, 2024